هنا في Happy Green Life نقدم مجموعة واسعة من خدمات جراحة العيون التجميلية، بما في ذلك تجميل الجفن و زراعة الحواجب  و رفع الحاجب وغيرها.

cosmetic eye surgery

جراحة العيون التجميلية

الجمال في الداخل، الجمال في الخارج.

فيما يلي بعض خدماتنا في جراحة العيون التجميلية في Happy Green Life:

عملية تجميل الجفون

تُعرف عملية تجميل الجفون، المعروفة شائعًا باسم جراحة الجفون، بأنها تدخل جراحي مصمم للحد من الترهل في الجفون السفلية وتحسين ارتفاع الجفون العلوية. تتضمن الإجراء عادة إزالة الجلد الزائد والعضلات والأنسجة الدهنية الكامنة؛ ومع ذلك، في بعض الحالات، يمكن إعادة توجيه الأنسجة بدلاً من استئصالها. تعتبر جراحة تجميل الجفون متعددة الاستخدامات، حيث توفر كل من تحسينًا جماليًا وحلاً لتحسين الرؤية في الأفراد الذين يعانون من الرؤية المعوقة بسبب الترهل في الجفون العلوية.

إجراء العملية:

يمكن أن يؤدي عملية الشيخوخة إلى زيادة الجلد الزائد فوق الجفون العلوية، مما يؤثر على الرؤية الجانبية، مما يستدعي ضرورة إجراء جراحة الجفون العلوية. تُجرى جراحة الجفون السفلية في الغالب لأسباب تجميلية، حيث تستهدف انتفاخًا أو “أكياس”. يمكن أن يُجرى الإجراء لأغراض جمالية ووظيفية. خلال جراحة الجفون العلوية، يقوم الجراح بعمل شق على طول التجاعيد الجفوية، وإزالة الجلد الزائد والعضلات، وربما الدهون قبل إغلاق الشق. في جراحة الجفون السفلية، يتم عمل الشق تحت الرموش أو داخل الطية الطبيعية للجفن السفلي. يقوم الجراح بعدها بإزالة أو إعادة توزيع الدهون الزائدة والعضلات والجلد المترهل قبل إغلاق الشق.

معدل النجاح:

تتميز جراحة تجميل الجفون بمعدل نجاح يتراوح بين 90-95٪، مع نسبة نجاح مبهرة بلغت 91.5٪ لتحقيق التماثل.

فترة الشفاء:

يتراوح الوقت الكامل للشفاء من جراحة تجميل الجفون حوالي 3 أشهر، مع توقع العودة إلى الروتين الطبيعي بعد 2-3 أسابيع من الشفاء. في معظم الحالات، يلاحظ الشفاء الكبير بنهاية الأسبوع الثاني، ويشعر العديد من الأفراد بالراحة في استئناف العمل بعد حوالي عشرة أيام.

Eyelid Corner Reshaping (Canthoplasty)


Canthoplasty is a Cosmetic Eye Surgery procedure designed for both aesthetic and functional purposes, involving the reconstruction or reshaping of the outer corner of the eye, known as the lateral canthus. This delicate oculoplastic surgery should only be undertaken by highly experienced surgeons specialized in oculoplastic procedures due to the potential for severe consequences if performed incorrectly. It is important to note the distinction between “Canthopexy” and “Canthoplasty,” even though both are among cosmetic eye surgery, where canthopexy reinforces the canthus without cutting, preserving the eyelid’s horizontal length and canthus position.

Canthoplasty Surgery:

Canthoplasty serves to address issues such as a saggy or loose lower eyelid, as well as to reshape and reposition the lateral canthus. It is particularly beneficial for patients who have undergone previous complex lower eyelid surgeries, resulting in a retracted lower eyelid, a rounded canthus, and an undesirable surgical appearance. The procedure is also effective in treating lower eyelid laxity (ectropion), where the lower eyelid appears floppy. Doctor employs a minimally invasive approach for canthoplasty, known as “Aesthetic Lateral Canthoplasty,” providing improved eyelid contour with discreet scars.

Combination with Other Surgeries:

Canthoplasty may be combined with other Cosmetic Eye Surgery such as eyelid and periocular surgeries if required, including blepharoplasty, ptosis surgery, brow lift, and midface lift. The surgery is typically conducted under local anesthesia, with or without intravenous sedation, and recovery involves an expected 7-10 days of swelling and bruising.

Choosing the Right Surgeon:

Selecting a plastic surgeon for canthoplasty should prioritize those with expertise in oculoplastic surgery and membership in the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS). This membership ensures that the surgeon is not only a board-certified ophthalmologist familiar with eyelid and orbit anatomy but has also undergone extensive training in ophthalmic plastic reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.

Canthoplasty vs. Canthopexy:

– Canthoplasty: Focuses on the corner where the eyelids meet and involves cutting the muscle. It is more invasive.

– Canthopexy: A less invasive procedure involving sutures to tighten and stabilize tendons and muscles without cutting any muscles. Canthopexy is often performed in conjunction with blepharoplasty or other procedures.

Eyebrow Transplant


Eyebrows play a crucial role in facial aesthetics, and the popularity of eyebrow transplants has surged with increased awareness. Despite the small treatment area, precision in anatomy, brow design, and extraction and implantation techniques are essential in this cosmetic eye surgery

Understanding Eyebrow Transplants:

Eyebrow transplants involve a cosmetic surgeon extracting a hair graft (plug) with both hair and its roots (follicle) from areas like the neck or around the ear. These grafts are then placed in a storage container with chilled saline solution before being implanted into the eyebrow region. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia to ensure patient comfort.

Post-Procedure and Recovery:

Following the transplant, a crust forms around the newly implanted follicles, a natural part of the healing process that typically falls off after a few days. Bruising and swelling may occur for up to five days, with a prescribed saline spray applied every 2 to 3 hours. Painkillers, antibiotics, and steroids may be recommended for the initial five days post-surgery.
While the initially transplanted hair falls out, regrowth usually commences around the three-month mark. Some patients may experience a touch-up session nine months later if needed. Various conditions, such as burns, scarring, tumors, trichotillomania, alopecia areata, hypothyroidism, and hypervitaminosis A, may necessitate eyebrow transplants.

Who Benefits from Eyebrow Transplants:

Risks and Side Effects:

Possible complications of this cosmetic eye surgery include uneven hair growth, misaligned eyebrows due to anesthesia positioning, and variations in hair direction or texture. Rarer complications encompass infection, inflamed and infected hair follicles (folliculitis), scarring, bruising, and swelling. While suitable candidates often witness positive results in the initial two years, long-term outcomes can vary, sometimes necessitating touch-up procedures in the future.

Eyebrow Lift

Procedure Overview:

Upon considering an eyebrow lift, our experts in cosmetic eye surgery will guide you through the available options, including three types: the classic or coronal brow lift, the endoscopic brow lift, and the temporal lift. Together with your surgeon, the most suitable choice for your needs will be determined.

Classic or Coronal Brow Lift:

This cosmetic eye surgery is conducted under anesthesia, involving an incision starting just above the ear level and tracing the hairline up the forehead to the adjacent ear. By carefully lifting the forehead skin, adjustments to fat, tissues, and facial muscles are made as necessary. Excess skin is trimmed, and the incision is closed, followed by the application of dressing and bandages.

Endoscopic Brow Lift:

Performed under anesthesia, the endoscopic brow lift is a minimally invasive approach. Small incisions concealed in the hair allow the surgeon to use specialized equipment for the gentle release and elevation of brow tissue. This method generally boasts a quicker healing time and less bruising compared to the classic approach.

Temporal Lift:

This minimally invasive cosmetic eye surgery procedure, akin to the endoscopic approach, can be done under local anesthesia in an office setting. The scaled-back endoscopic lift yields excellent results with minimal downtime.

Post-Procedure Care:

Following the eyebrow lift, our expert staff will furnish you with care instructions to ensure a smooth healing process and optimize results. Instructions may encompass:

– Taking prescribed pain medication

– Utilizing cold compresses to reduce swelling

– Sleeping with the head elevated

– Avoiding strenuous activities during the recovery period

Should your surgeon place a drainage tube, its removal can be scheduled on the first or second day after the procedure.

Oculoplastic Surgery

Oculoplastic surgery stands as a specialized field within ophthalmology dedicated to the reconstruction and enhancement of the aesthetics surrounding the eye area. This subspecialty addresses a spectrum of concerns, ranging from the correction or treatment of medical conditions and injuries to purely cosmetic interventions. The procedures encompass surgeries involving the eyelids, the orbital bone, and the tear duct system. Oculoplastic surgery tackles various issues, including ptosis, entropion, ectropion, eyelid surgeries, blepharospasms, and more.


Ptosis denotes the drooping of the eyelid, a condition where the upper eyelid sags, potentially limiting or obstructing vision.


Entropion manifests when the eyelid, typically the lower one, turns inward, causing eyelashes to rub against the eyeball, leading to discomfort.


Ectropion occurs when the eyelid turns outward, exposing the inner eyelid surface and making it susceptible to irritation and inadequate lubrication.

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