Egg Donation in Iran

Egg donation in Iran is a process in which a fertile woman donates an egg or eggs to another woman to help her become pregnant. This is part of assisted reproductive technology or ART. In fact, egg donation is when a woman goes through the IVF process to collect some of her own eggs, which she can then donate to someone else’s treatment, fertility research, or education. In many cases, women donate to someone they know, such as a family member who may not be able to use their own eggs. Others do it for the joy of being able to help someone they don’t know have a much-wanted baby.
Some women who undergo IVF also choose egg donation, which means they donate some of their eggs to another woman undergoing treatment in exchange for free or discounted IVF.
Egg donation in every country follows specific rules. As you may already know, Iran is one of the major destinations for egg donation and generally IVF. Egg donation in Iran will be done under significant circumstances. The donors will be chosen very stringently among many volunteers. Their health conditions will be completely analyzed and the recipients are able to choose these donors through their health and appearance situations. That makes egg donation in Iran becomes one of the most popular donations for IVF treatments.
It should be said that there are millions of immature eggs in a woman’s womb from birth. And it is interesting to know that these gametes do not change until puberty. After puberty, some eggs are released from the ovary every month, but after leaving the ovary, they survive for about 24 hours, and if a sperm meets the egg during this time, pregnancy occurs.
But not all women have high-quality eggs and everyone probably knows that the more quality eggs decreased, the less chance of fertility comes up. Of course, various factors cause infertility in women. Some of them are as follows:
- aging
- Physical or mental illnesses
You may consider using ovulation stimulation drugs. Sometimes, it’s useful. But sometimes, egg donation is the only way to have a baby for some couples. In the egg donation process in Iran, several eggs are collected from a volunteer. Then the quality of the egg is tested. The sperm of the recipient couple is present in the laboratory. In the next step, the formed embryo will be ready to transfer to the uterus of the infertile woman.
In the following, you will read details about the circumstances of egg donation in Iran.
Egg Donation in Iran
Egg donation in Iran is currently an excellent solution for many women who have problems conceiving. Egg donation is generally substituted when a woman can no longer have children with her own eggs (immature eggs). Egg donation is another. This woman is called the donor. After obtaining the donated eggs, they are fertilized with the husband’s sperm or donor’s sperm and thus the embryos are formed. The formed embryos will be transferred to the uterus.
No matter how old you are as a couple, you will want to have a baby at some point. But the bad news is sometimes one or both couples are infertile. And as a loving couple, it hurts not being able to have a baby on your own. Egg donation is one of the best ways to have a baby if the infertility issue is coming from the mother.
In many cases, a woman’s genitals and uterus are healthy, but the quality of the egg is in question. In this case, the only way to have a baby is to receive an egg from an egg donor. There are many couples looking for an opportunity to experience egg donation. Here you are going to talk about everything you need to know about egg donation in Iran or any other country.
Who Can Donate Eggs?
In every country, there are particular rules about donors, but about egg donation in Iran, usually, women must be between 18 and 30 years old to donate their eggs for personalized treatment. Clinics may only use eggs from an older woman in exceptional circumstances, such as if you are donating to a family member.
Before donating, you must get examined with health tests to ensure that you are not passing on any serious diseases or medical conditions which risk the baby or the mother’s life. You should tell your clinic about any hereditary diseases in your family.
Some clinics also set eligibility criteria, including minimum and maximum body mass index (BMI). Talk to the clinic or clinics of your choice about their process.
Extended carrier screening (ECS) or testing involves the simultaneous identification of the presence or absence of many gene variants that may be associated with different conditions of varying severity and predictability. If you decide to have an egg donation in Iran in association with Green Life Tour health tourism agency, you have to know the fact that Green Life Tour in association with MOM infertility treatment center, provides the best donor eggs by the healthiest egg donors in the middle east and Asia. Our donors follow very stringent circumstances such as:
- Being aged between 18 and 30
- Being healthy, with no family history of serious or inherited diseases
- Being a non-smoker
- Not currently taking recreational drugs or excessive alcohol
- Not currently attempting to become pregnant yourself
What to Expect in egg donation procedure
Specialists at the fertility center will carry out an intensive selection process to find a suitable donor and follow the legal procedures carefully. While preparing for the procedure, most donors need to take medication that stops their normal menstrual cycle. Side effects of this drug may include temporary symptoms such as:
- hot flashes
- Headache
- tiredness
- body pain
The donor then takes a series of fertility drugs that stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs at once. This is known as hyperstimulation. Donors must administer the drug by injecting it under their skin or muscle.
In some cases, women may experience mild side effects such as mood swings, bruising at the injection site, and tender breasts. In rare cases, a woman may develop ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). This happens when too many eggs develop in the ovaries. Women with OHSS may need to be hospitalized.
Donors are at risk of pregnancy before egg retrieval, so it’s best to avoid intercourse or use a contraceptive barrier such as a condom.
During the donation cycle, a donor will undergo repeated blood tests and ultrasound examinations to monitor their reactions to medications.
During Extraction
Shortly before the egg retrieval, the donor receives a final injection to prepare for the operation.
The doctor performs a transvaginal ovarian aspiration to remove the eggs from the donor ovary. They insert an ultrasound probe into the vagina and use a needle to remove the egg from each follicle.
During the procedure, which takes about 30 minutes, the doctor may give the donor painkillers, sedation, or anesthesia.
Since this is a minor procedure, the donor will not need to stay overnight in the clinic or hospital.
After Donation
Some women find that they need a few days off to recover from transvaginal ovarian aspiration. Others can return to their normal life and activities the next day.
Some programs provide follow-up care for donors, but others do not. Because the egg donation process might have psychological effects, some women may find it helpful to work with a counselor or psychotherapist after the procedure.
Risks And Side Effects
The risk of egg donation is relatively low. Procedures and medications for egg donors are the same as for women using their own eggs in the IVF process and carry the same level of risk.
There is little risk of using anesthesia during the egg retrieval process, but serious complications are uncommon.
In some cases, women may experience bleeding when the surgeons insert the needle into their ovaries and in rare cases, damage to the bladder, bowel, or nearby blood vessels may occur. However, serious injury or heavy bleeding is unlikely. Infection may also occur after the eggs are removed. The doctor probably prescribes some antibiotics to prevent this.
Sometimes, medications that the doctor prescribes to stimulate ovulation in the egg donor can cause OHSS, which can be mild, moderate, or severe. Consult a doctor in all cases. Severe cases may require hospitalization, with symptoms that include trusted sources:
- Difficulty breathing
- Rapid weight gain
- Stomach ache
- Vomit
Donor Criteria
In a woman’s egg donating ability, several factors may interfere.
These factors increase the probability of a successful pregnancy and reduce the risk of congenital abnormalities.
In general, donors between the ages of 21 and 30 are reliable sources. Women in this age group respond better to fertility drugs and typically have higher egg quality and quantity to donate.
Donors must be examined for infections such as HIV and hepatitis C. Also, they should not be at high risk of genetic diseases such as those who carry the cystic fibrosis gene.
Women may not be eligible to donate if they are at high risk of exposure to HIV or other infections. Similarly, if a person cannot provide any details about her family medical history, she may not be allowed to donate eggs.
Some programs benefit women who have already successfully donated eggs or given birth.
How Does Egg Donation in Iran Work?
First, you need an egg donor volunteer. The donor will be examined by the specialist for any kind of diseases or unallowed behaviors such as addiction, hepatitis, HIV, etc. Then the doctor will confirm the donor and eggs will be received. After that, the doctor prescribes medications to coordinate the menstrual cycle of the recipient and the donor.
An egg will mature in 10 days. During this time doctor will examine the donor carefully and determine a date for removing eggs from the donor’s ovary. Later that day, the doctor will fertilize the eggs. Then two or three embryos will be implanted in the infertile mother’s uterus.
Who can receive egg donation in Iran?
In Iran, donors are less than 30 years old, healthy, and free out of any diseases, so they will respond better to different fertility drugs. Doctors screen donors to make sure there are no infections such as HIV, hepatitis C, or various granite diseases. It is worth noting that eggs are only received from people who can provide a detailed medical history of their family. On the other side, people who can receive egg donation in Iran are as follows:
- Women with poor quality eggs
- Infertile women due to old age
- Women with removed ovaries.
- Women suffering from genetic disease
- Women with a history of unknown cause miscarriage
The requirements of an egg recipient
Egg donation in Iran is not expensive as in other countries. The reason for this cheapness has been mentioned before and you are supposed to pay lower prices in return to get the best medical care. But there are things you should consider to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Here are some of the requirements of an egg recipient:
The age of recipients should not be more than 45 years because pregnancy after the 4th decade of life will increase the endangering of the mother’s health.
Recipients must be mentally prepared. If a couple is not ready to receive eggs, they must adhere to psychiatric and legal advice before receiving donated eggs.
An infertile woman must be secure and healthy. She has to be examined physically and mentally to make sure that there is no danger for her and the fetus.
The uterus must also get prepared. A healthy uterus will be ready to accept donor eggs.
Egg donation cost in Iran
If you are thinking about receiving donor eggs in Iran, you need to know that you are going to pay much less than any country in return for the best medical services. Iran has the best and largest freeze eggs bank, the healthiest donors, and the most qualified surgeons ready for you to have the best donor egg to fertilize. If you have been thinking about egg donation costs long enough, you must probably know the average cost of egg donation in the United States. The cost of a fresh egg donation in the United States varies from $30,000 up to $50,000. So, you will be surprised if you know that egg donation costs in Iran are not even comparable to egg donation costs in America. The price of egg donation in Iran is around 1,500$. Remember that the total cost of egg donation in Iran largely depends on the method used to receive the eggs. In addition, you have to pay the donor’s medical expenses. But the overall cost you pay for egg donation in Iran is much lower than the cost you have to pay for egg donation in other countries. The final cost of egg donation in Iran plus IVF is around 4,500$; not comparable with any other country. Therefore, if you are looking for the best medical services and wish to have an experienced doctor, you should consider traveling to Iran for a low-cost egg donation.
Egg Donation in Iran with Green Life Tour
Green Life Tour is a health tourism agency that works with one of the best infertility treatment centers, “SAMAR” infertility treatment center based in Iran, and provides the best and high quality services for sperm and egg bank in Iran and Fars province. For those who are facing infertility issues, Green Life Tour will plan their exclusive IVF treatment program with special services at very affordable prices. All you have to do is get a free consultation and start your journey.
You can always have access to all our services in one place, Click here!