Ovarian Cancer is a malignant tumour in one or both ovaries.

While there are many types of ovarian cancer the three most common types of them are: the common epithelial type (90% of cases) that arises from the cells on the outside of the ovary; the germ cell type (around 4% of cases) that arises from the cells which produce eggs; and the rare stromal type arising from supporting tissues within the ovary.

It is estimated that more than 1,200 people were diagnosed with this type of cancer in 2023. The average age at diagnosis is 64 years old.

Ovarian cancer - سرطان المبيض

Ovarian cancer

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Treatment for this type of cancer is contingent on several factors, including the size and type of cancer, its location, whether there is any spread, and your overall health. The primary modes of treatment involve surgery and chemotherapy, while additional options include targeted medicines and hormone treatments. Regular check-ups, as well as tests and scans, are part of the ongoing monitoring process during and after treatment.


The specific surgical procedure is determined by the characteristics of your cancer and its extent of spread. Early detection of ovarian cancer enhances the prospects of successful treatment. In cases where the cancer is confined to the ovaries (early stages), surgical intervention may involve the removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes (bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy) or the removal of the cervix (opening to the womb from the vagina) and the womb itself (abdominal hysterectomy). If the cancer has spread to other regions of the body, additional surgery may be necessary to extract as much of the cancerous tissue as possible, which might entail removing sections of the bowel.


Chemotherapy, a medication designed to eliminate cancer cells, can be administered both before and after surgery or independently. It is also a viable treatment option for cases of recurrent cancer.

The ongoing care and management of ovarian cancer involve regular follow-up appointments, including various tests and scans, to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and monitor your overall health.

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