Testicular Cancer is 1 of the less common cancers, and tends to mostly affect men between 15 and 49 years of age. Typical symptoms are a painless swelling or lump in 1 of the testicles, or any change in shape or texture of the testicles. It’s important to be aware of what feels normal for you. Get to know your body and see a GP if you notice any changes.
Read the following to find out more about the look and feel of normal testicles, the symptoms of testicular cancer and diagnosing testicular cancer.
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Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery are the 3 main treatments for testicular cancer.
Your prescribed treatment plan hinges on:
– The specific type of testicular cancer, whether it’s a seminoma or a non-seminoma.
– The stage of advancement of your testicular cancer.
For all instances of testicular cancer, regardless of the stage, the primary treatment involves surgically removing the affected testicle (an orchidectomy). After this procedure:
Following testicle removal, a single dose of chemotherapy might be administered to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. Occasionally, a brief course of radiotherapy is recommended. However, careful monitoring over subsequent years may be suggested due to a low recurrence probability.
Surveillance or a short course of chemotherapy employing a combination of medications may be advised.
Typically, 3 to 4 cycles of chemotherapy, using a combination of drugs, are administered. Additional surgery might be necessary after chemotherapy to remove affected lymph nodes, lung deposits, or, rarely, liver deposits.
Some cases may qualify for less intense treatment involving radiotherapy, possibly combined with simpler chemotherapy.
After chemotherapy, additional surgery may be required to eliminate tumors in other body parts, depending on the extent of tumor spread.
Choosing the most suitable treatment can be challenging. Your cancer care team will provide recommendations, but the final decision rests with you.
This surgical procedure removes a testicle entirely. For testicular cancer, complete removal is crucial to prevent cancer spread. Despite the removal, chances of a full recovery are high, with no adverse impact on sexual function or fertility. In some cases, partial removal may be considered, and the possibility of this should be discussed with your surgeon.
Considering fertility issues associated with some testicular cancer treatments, sperm banking is an option. This involves freezing a sperm sample for potential future use in assisted reproduction techniques.
If one healthy testicle remains, it should produce sufficient testosterone. Issues arise only if the remaining testicle encounters problems. Testosterone replacement therapy, delivered via injection, patch, or gel, can address symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and libido loss.
Advanced cases may involve surgery to address cancer spread to lymph nodes or lungs. Procedures like retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND) may be employed. Nerve-sparing RPLND is a newer, less fertility-impacting option.
Radiotherapy uses high-energy beams, while chemotherapy utilizes potent medicines. Both treatments have potential side effects, but their application varies based on cancer stage and type.
Even after successful treatment, regular monitoring is vital due to the risk of recurrence. Follow-up includes physical examinations, blood tests, chest X-rays, and CT scans. Recurrent cases, if detected early, may be curable with chemotherapy and, in some cases, radiotherapy.
Understanding the potential long-term impact of treatments, such as infertility or hormonal changes, is crucial, and discussions with your medical team are recommended.
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